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All parents, students, faculty, and staff are members of our PTSO, and we invite and encourage your participation. Our PTSO is a small-but-mighty body doing all we can to support our students and faculty and to enhance the rich learning and social-emotional environment Rose Park offers. We love our Titans and provide support through a variety of projects. Highlights from the past year include the new outdoor classroom, the new outdoor teacher's lounge, air purifiers with HEPA filters in all classrooms, new recess equipment, sponsoring the 8th grade bridging ceremony, the post-testing celebration with Kona Ice for the entire school, sponsoring science projects, sponsoring the first Black History Month Door Decorating Contest, and much more.  We have big plans for the 2024-25 year, and we are eager to grow. We hope every family will be an active part of our PTSO!


Goals for 2024-25

  • Recruit additional board directors 

  • Participate in back-to-school event 

  • Launch a Welcome to Rose Park transition team to help support new families to our school

  • Launch an 8th grade transition team that supports our 8th grade families as they prepare for high school, particularly establishing collaborations with MLK and Hillsboro High Schools

  • Offer spirit wear

  • Raise over $15,000 through our INVEST campaign

  • Update sound systems in auditorium and gym

  • Support health and well-being in classrooms

  • Increase communication and strengthen relationships with faculty and staff

  • Increase communication and increase engagement with all families at Rose Park

  • Celebrate our students!


Budget Highlights

  • Grade level funding so that teachers may, as teams, prioritize special projects

  • Increased support for clubs (led by school, not PTSO)

  • Increased support for related arts, athletics, and hospitality

  • Funding for back-to-school event and increased support for STEAM event in Spring

  • Support for online learning platform for all students

  • Student incentives, health & safety, and much more

  • New funding for sound systems in auditorium and gym

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