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Rose Park Magnet Middle School is a STEAM Magnet, meaning Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math are integrated across our curriculum, preparing our Titans to be well-rounded, future-ready powerhouses who will shape our world in the years to come. 



STEAM and Related Arts 


Rose Park students use STEAM, science technology, engineering, arts and math as access points to the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration). This empowers our students to better understand how their skills fit into our complex world. STEAM is embedded throughout the curriculum in every class, every day and teachers make intentional connections about the "Why" and the "What."


Related Arts


Rose Park also offers these related arts classes:


  • Physical Education

  • Arts Integration

  • Spanish

  • Band

  • Strings


Band and Strings are year-long programs where students get to learn how to play an instrument and have fun with friends. 


PE, Arts Integration & Spanish are semester long classes. Students rank their top choices and get placed in their first choice either 1st or 2nd semester. 


Although similar, STEAM and STEM education are not interchangeable terms. While STEAM uses the same concepts as STEM, STEAM also incorporates the arts and sometimes the humanities. Simply adding arts and crafts to a STEM project or making the project “look pretty” doesn’t make it a STEAM lesson. Instead, the arts must be integrated into the lesson so students can see how each relevant discipline connects and works together. This allows students to develop and use skills naturally embedded in the arts and humanities, including empathy, creativity, and communication. 




Rose Park offers a rigorous, STEAM-integrated academic curriculum that meets state standards but goes beyond to build genuine scholarship and intellectual curiosity. 

Research shows that student who participate in creative programs display:


  • Advanced thinking

  • The know-how to cope with stress

  • Enhanced self-awareness

  • Social skills like teamwork, communication, confidence, autonomy, and motivation

  • The ability to build connections with their community 



Rose Park offers a wonderful strings program. Music is a critical piece of a STEAM education, and music is a lifetime gift. Additionally, music improves math skills and social-emotional learning. 



Rose Park has an amazing band program with a group of excited parents working to form a Band Booster organization. As with strings, music is a critical piece of a STEAM education, one that enhances math and social-emotional skills--and one that gives a lifetime of joy. 

Arts Integration

"Engaging with art is essential to the human experience. Almost as soon as motor skills are developed, children communicate through artistic expression. The arts challenge us with different points of view, compel us to empathize with “others,” and give us the opportunity to reflect on the human condition. Empirical evidence supports these claims: Among adults, arts participation is related to behaviors that contribute to the health of civil society such as increased civic engagement, greater social tolerance, and reductions in other-regarding behavior."

Physical Education

"Physical education prepares children to be physically and mentally active, fit and healthy...for life.  Here are some of the many benefits children receive from a quality PE program:

  • mproved physical fitness

  • Skill and motor skills development

  • Provides regular, healthful physical activity

  • Teaches self discipline

  • Facilitates development of student responsibility for health and fitness

  • Influence moral development, leadership, cooperate with others

  • Stress reduction – an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety

  • Strengthened peer relationships

  • Physical education can improve self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Respect - PE helps you respect your body, classmates and teammates

  • Experience in setting goals

  • Improved academics - The big bonus benefit!

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