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Student Government Association

Any 6th through 8th grader can run for an officer position. Applications are due Tuesday, September 13th! Campaigning is from September 14th-September 21st. Application and campaign rules at links above. 


President – Will lead all SGA meetings. This officer is responsible for creating the PowerPoints and agenda for every meeting. They will have to meet with Ms. Mitchell and Ms. Tolson before the meetings to prepare. This officer needs to be a leader who is reliable and responsible.


Vice President – Will be second in charge. Is responsible for any tasks or job the President needs done to prepare and run the meetings. This officer will have to fulfill the role of president if the president is absent or must step down. This officer needs to be dependable and organized.


Treasurer – Will oversee the budget, spending costs, and fundraisers. This officer must be able to set goals, work within a budget, and must be good with numbers.


Secretary – Will record all the minutes for each SGA meeting. This includes – attendance, announcements, old business, new business, and any voting. This officer must be prepared, have good handwriting, and enjoy taking notes.


Communications Chair – Will be responsible for creating social media graphics, hallway flyers, and table posters. This person must be able to create on their own or to lead a team of SGA representatives to help create the items above. This officer must be creative as well as have experience with Word and Canva.


In order to officially represent the student body of RPMS, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Cumulative GPA of C or higher

  • Positive discipline record with no referrals, suspensions, or excessive disciplinary actions

  • Attend and prepare for ALL meetings *Meetings will be before school at 7:00 a.m. once a month*

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